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  • Labcorp has a proven track record in designing and executing large and complex livestock metabolism studies to meet your crop protection product development needs and regulatory requirements

  • Facilities suited to all types of test species, run to high animal welfare standards and optimal agricultural and laboratory practices

  • A full suite of analytical techniques at your disposal for radiolabeled and non-radiolabeled compounds used in metabolism and feeding studies, including TLC, HPLC, LC-MS, LC-MS/MS, and NMR

Characterization of the nature and level of chemical residues accumulating in livestock helps determine the risk an agrochemical poses in the human food chain. Livestock metabolism studies, and livestock feeding studies, are late-stage, and important regulatory hurdles to the approval of your agrochemical. They are also large and complex to perform. With such high-stake, late-stage studies you need a partner with a track record of livestock metabolism study success. 

Your Needs

How can you rapidly and efficiently hit your livestock metabolism endpoints?

As livestock metabolism studies are often later stage, you may be under time pressure to deliver against regulatory endpoints. Any delay can affect the access of your agrochemical to the market and impact revenue. These studies can also become large and complex requiring multiple animal groups and multi-tissue sampling and analysis. You need a partner who combines scientific expertise, regulatory insight and execution excellence to efficiently see you through livestock metabolism studies. 

That means employing chemical know-how to identify the key residues of concern, developing radiolabeled test items (metabolism studies), optimizing extraction approaches, characterizing residues and validating analytic techniques. You also need strategic insight to design studies with built-in trigger points for decision making. Clear reporting of accurate, reliable results is needed to let you build coherent regulatory arguments. 

Our Capabilities

We have the experience and expertise to deliver livestock metabolism study success

Our experienced team of scientists design and run livestock metabolism studies addressing your needs. Using our extensive scientific insight, we can employ the appropriate analytical technologies to robustly identify and characterize residues.

Our high standards help build robust data sets

Labcorp has comprehensive facilities that can accommodate ruminants, swine and chickens, so we can fulfil any regulatory requirement your crop protection product may need. Our dedicated team of veterinarians and animal technicians work closely with scientists to design and run your study to high scientific and animal welfare standards. In addition, we work to GAP and GLP standards.

All your livestock metabolism study needs addressed efficiently

At Labcorp, we combine expertise in analytical chemistry and agricultural practice to design and execute harmonized livestock metabolism studies. That means joined-up thinking to ensure the most efficient approach through livestock metabolism and, if necessary, livestock feeding studies.  

Standard livestock metabolism studies for crop protection products include:

  • OECD 503: Metabolism in Livestock
  • OPPTS 860.340: Radiovalidation

Additional studies: livestock feeding studies

You may also be required to run livestock feeding studies when quantifiable crop protection product residues occur in feed crops at levels that could theoretically lead to residues >0.01 mg/kg in any animal tissue, milk or eggs. The main objectives of these studies are to establish maximum residue limits (MRLs) in food commodities of animal origin and to assess the dietary intake of residues in order to assess the impact on consumer safety. 

Labcorp have expertise in running feeding studies to high standards, leveraging learnings from prior metabolism studies.

  • OECD 505: Residues in Livestock

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