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IT Solutions for Workplace Drug Testing

Labcorp offers multiple information technology solutions for occupational testing result delivery and overall program management.

Our system provides the flexibility to meet the needs of most employee testing programs. Click on the applicable link in the right menu for product details.


We offer secure access to occupational testing program management tools from any Internet-ready PC. Our web-based solutions provide access to register donors for collection, obtain specimen status or results. The Labcorp Corporate Solutions Web chain of custody (COC) application leads the collector through the entire collection process, thereby assisting with complete, legible collection documentation.



Labcorp's integration solutions provide connectivity between disparate systems to facilitate productivity and performance. These solutions simplify data management through reduction or elimination of manual and/or paper-driven processes.

Specimen status

We offer multiple tools to assist in tracking specimen status, including web-based applications, electronic data interface, and auto faxing.

Program management

Labcorp offers electronic account setup and supply ordering processes designed to streamline complex program management through the reduction or elimination of manual data entry. Options include submission of data from the client's proprietary system to Labcorp or the transfer of data from the client's system into a Microsoft Excel file format for entry into Labcorp’s system.

Result delivery

Labcorp offers a selection of result delivery methods that involve minimal impact on business processes, workspace, and information technology resources.

Medical Review Officer tools

Labcorp offers Medical Review Officer (MRO) tools to aid with the delivery of reviewed results.

Arrange for a technology solution that meets your needs.