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Medical Review Officer Tools

Labcorp offers Medical Review Officer (MRO) tools to aid with the delivery of reviewed results.

Auto-faxed certified chain

Auto-Faxed Certified Chain provides MROs a faxed image of the laboratory-certified chain of custody form. The chain of custody image is typically forwarded to the designated fax within two hours from completion of certification and scanning.


  • User intervention not required; images automatically print
  • Can be sent to a fax machine or fax server


  • Increased speed and efficiency of certified chain reporting through automation


  • Fax machine or fax server
  • Analog phone line
  • Written statement from MRO that fax is securely located (for regulated testing programs)
  • Federal chain of custody or look-alike form

MRO review

MRO Review is an application within the Labcorp Corporate Solutions suite of web-based tools. This tool allows Labcorp Corporate Solutions registered MROs to receive, interpret, and report federally and non-federally regulated workplace drug test results. The MRO Review tool is available to MRO users only, and is accessible via the left-hand navigation panel menu within the Labcorp Corporate Solutions Web Tools.

Administration of the MRO Review tool is facilitated by the ‘Administrator’ role, a special role automatically assigned to the MRO during the Labcorp MRO Review user setup. The ‘Administrator’ role has the ability to configure access for each of the employees on the MRO’s team (Users), and to configure the product to align with the MRO’s current MRO Review protocol. The MRO/Administrator is pre-configured with access to results for specimens processed under Labcorp account numbers assigned to the MRO’s company (client).


  • Online access for MRO (or designee) to review drug test results, record notes from calls, upload relevant attachments, and release MRO-reviewed results to the client
  • Client email notification of available MRO-reviewed results, optional
  • User-friendly navigation panel to access all functions of the application
  • Role-based user access to control rights to view or edit information in the MRO review process
  • MRO/Administrator role that allows MRO (or designee) to:
    • Create new Labcorp Corporate Solutions user access accounts for his/her MRO team members
    • Designate members of the MRO team (users) as 'Administrators'
    • Assign a subset of Accounts to a MRO team member(s)
    • Design a customized MRO result report
    • Customize the pull-down options for selected fields:
      • Call Comments
      • Verification Decisions


  • Streamlining of the MRO review process into one online application accessed by the MRO or designee(s)
  • Single login access for MRO’s client to access forensic drug test information from donor registration, specimen collection, through MRO-reviewed test results
  • MRO employee assignments may be controlled through the role-based access and MRO/Administrator configuration feature



  • MS-Windows PC with internet connection
  • Latest version of Google Chrome
  • Internet connection
  • Acceptance of online service agreement (EULA)

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