<span>4 tips for taking care of your mental health</span>
May 22, 2023

4 tips for taking care of your mental health

Mental health refers to one’s emotional, psychological and social well-being. One in 5 Americans may experience a mental health condition each year. It affects everything from our thoughts and actions to how we communicate with those around us. Like physical health, it is essential to your overall health and quality of life.
<span>7 things you can do to prepare for your next doctor appointment</span>
May 19, 2023

7 things you can do to prepare for your next doctor appointment

Whether it’s your first visit with a new doctor or a routine checkup with your longtime healthcare provider, it’s always best to be prepared. Your doctor first learns about your overall well-being by asking questions—and so do you. You can—and should—ask questions too, but sometimes it’s easy to forget that when you’re actually in the appointment with your doctor. Preparing ahead of time helps enable a much more efficient and productive appointment.Here are seven ways you can prepare for your primary care visit with your doctor.
<span>Medicaid renewal has changed—find out if this affects you</span>
May 19, 2023

Medicaid renewal has changed—find out if this affects you

Medicaid is a government-funded health insurance program designed to provide healthcare coverage to low-income individuals and families. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed legislation to provide for continuous enrollment as to avoid interruption in coverage during a global health crisis. But that’s changing. By the end of 2022, over 85 million individuals were enrolled in Medicaid—and over 14 million could lose coverage due to these changes. If you or someone you know is on Medicaid, it’s time to act. We’re here to help—read the following carefully to learn more about Medicaid renewal in 2023 and what steps, if any, you need to take to avoid a gap in your insurance coverage.
<span>Population health tools: How lab data can help manage hepatitis C</span>
May 16, 2023

Population health tools: How lab data can help manage hepatitis C

Hepatitis C (Hep C or HCV) is a significant public health concern in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million people living with the virus. Approximately 80% of people with hepatitis C have no symptoms and can live for years without knowing they have it. For the remaining 20%, symptoms can include poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and fever. As a result, there is no independent indication for a provider to order hepatitis C testing. Using Labcorp's population health tool, Insight Analytics, providers can generate a list of patients missing confirmatory testing. Providers can then contact individual patients to arrange a confirmatory test and follow-up care.