
Quantifying in vivo Biodistribution and Kinetics of Your Biologic or Nanomaterial

23 April 2021

With the ability to provide non-invasive, three dimensional, longitudinal, and quantitative data—PET, SPECT, and fluorescence imaging (FMT) enable translational imaging of:

  • Biodistribution
  • Targeting
  • Kinetics
  • Clearance Pathways

In vivo biodistribution imaging applications are now critical assays for biologics characterization for discovery screening, lead candidate selection/optimization and safety. We combine highly sensitive PET, SPECT, and fluorescence detection with highly specific anatomical characterization using MRI and CT.  The combination of state of the art instruments, software, and disease models are driving rapid, decision enabling studies, using small numbers of animals.


Talk to one of our scientists about biodistribution imaging for your compound.