September 9, 2019


APA 2019 -- This poster presents a general liquid microsampling methodology where a small (< 50 �L) whole blood sample is collected, followed by plasma harvest and volumetric dilution. A pilot study is also presented, comparing this technique to conventional collection (jugular bleed) in rats, and finding the two methods yield similar PK curves.

<span>Layout 1</span>
September 13, 2019

Layout 1

Pharmacovigilance (PV), the process of identifying, tracking, evaluating and preventing negative outcomes from drug therapies, is a sector that has seen huge growth in recent years.
September 25, 2019


BEBPA EU 2019 -- Because clients have enquired if Covance can perform cell-based 384-well assays, we initiated a proof of concept (POC) study to transfer the TNFa manual 96-well assay to 384-well format using Echo� Liquid Handler. 384-well assays allow increased number of samples or replicates tested/assay.

October 4, 2019


ICCS 2019 -- Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a cancer formed by malignant plasma cells (PC). Many MM patients are achieving complete remission with advancement in cancer therapies. As a result, quantification of measurable/minimal residual disease (MRD) is becoming increasingly important as an independent predictor of progression-free and overall survival.
<span>Integrated Technology Solutions for Drug Safety</span>
October 17, 2019

Integrated Technology Solutions for Drug Safety

Technology has forever transformed the entire healthcare continuum and has ushered in new and revolutionary ways to ensure patient and consumer safety. It has also enabled organizations to achieve higher levels of insight, quality and efficiencies by driving down operational costs and rendering information in meaningful ways.
November 13, 2019


ConSPIC 2019 -- Envision dedicating fifteen years to a critical interest and emptying staggering amount of funds into it, at the same time confronting a disappointment rate of 95 percent. Today's medications go to the business sector after an extensive and very costly process of drug development. It takes anywhere in the range of 10 to 15 years.